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Contrôle d'accès



Gestion centralisée
Gestion d'objets
Gestion de ronde
Identification biométrique
Identification des objets
Identification des véhicules


Contactless Smart Card Module

Designed for embedding into products manufactured by third-parties, the iCLASS® OEM150 Module is a 13.56 MHz read/write contactless smart card reader/writer in a printed circuit board form factor.

The OEM150 enables iCLASS technology to be used for multiple applications including cashless vending, biometrics, time and attendance, alarm system control, HVAC control, process control, and point of sale terminals.

A fully functional Wiegand/TTL reader/writer with remote antenna, the OEM150 is easy to use - just connect power, data, and control lines. For added functionality, such as serial interface with RS232, RS485 or USB, just add a plug-n-play expansion module into the provided socket.

When used with iCLASS cards, the OEM150 offers security features such as RF data encryption and mutual authentication using 64-bit keys for each application area, and optional DES or Triple DES data encryption for the HID application area. HID provides key management for access control and other data, stored in the HID application area.

For access control applications, the OEM150 can read either iCLASS credentials (transmitting the Wiegand formatted data as encoded) or MIFARE® credentials (transmitting Wiegand data based on the card serial number in 26-, 32-, 34-, 37-, 40- or 56-bit formats).

For non-access control applications, the OEM150 module can read or write to any application area on the iCLASS credential, with all reader functions controlled by an external host processor via the serial port using the iCLASS serial protocol.

The OEM150 has an audio output, operated by internal firmware, by the beeper control line, or by serial commands via the TTL port. The unit can produce tone sequences indicating various status conditions. When the configurable Hold control line is asserted, either all card reading is disabled, or the module will buffer one card read and ignore subsequent reads until the line is released.

The OEM150 has an Open Collector output, which is a normally-open logic output controlled by a serial command. The output can be latched, unlatched, or momentarily closed for 1-255 seconds.

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