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125 kHz Low Power Proximity Card Reader Module

The security, reliability and convenience of proximity access is available in standard battery-powered, self-contained electronic door locks. HID provides the eProx Lock Module to many third party lock manufacturers who integrate HID proximity technology into their standard electronic lock offering.

HID compatibility allows stand-alone electronic locks to be used in conjunction with an on-line system that uses HID proximity cards and readers.

eProx Locks are ideal when an on-line, networked proximity reader is not required or cannot be easily installed. Use this device when:

* An area requires access control but AC power is not available
* You need to provide access control to an area that cannot be hardwired
* The networked access control panel is at maximum capacity and one more door of access control is needed

Why Should I Consider Embedded HID Proximity
Stand Alone, Battery-Powered Electronic Locks?

Securing assets (people and information) continues to grow more important for corporations, schools, municipal facilities, etc. Of course,enhancing security inevitably requires spending additional dollars. If you already use a security or access system with HID proximity card technology and are considering expansion, one low-cost, high-value proposition is an eProx Lock from one of HID's industry leading electronic lock partners.HID eProx enabled lock products complement an existing HID access control system at a fraction of the cost of an on-line door. These stand alone products do not require hard wiring. Convenient and simple to use, some of the lock products do not even require any door preparation, other than removal of the existing cylindrical door lock. Labor cost savings is significant.You may already be protecting your facility's perimeter with on-line access control readers, but what about the interior? Are there a few doors you want to protect but do not have the budget to do so? Perhaps the doors were remote and the cost of wiring was prohibitive? Did you know that typically you can purchase and install two to three eProx Locks for the price of one additional on-line reader assembly?Do you have some areas that require greater protection than standard lock and key, but do not necessarily require real-time reporting? Do you currently protect your individual server cabinets with standard keys when you could protect the servers with HID access control? Do you already use HID or HID-compatible proximity products?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, consider an eProx Lock program to enhance your system while reducing your overall cost per door. Products are available in multiple configurations including: cylindrical, mortise lock, exit device, auto-bolt mortise, and cabinet lock. Contact our partners for more information (see list above) on how to purchase an HID enabled eProx Lock product.

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